
China’s reality – Solitary Sex

Posted in America, Business, China, Current Affairs, Desert Bloc, Feminist Issues, India, Religion by Anuraag Sanghi on February 22, 2012

State engineered sex-deprivation is reality in most of the world – except India and Africa. Official media in China is worried about the consequences of sex-deprivation.

The State and the Church are competing to find newer ways to intervene in the family lives of its citizens. | Cartoonist Jim Morin; in Miami Herald; on February 20, 2012  | Click for larger image.

The State and the Church are competing to find newer ways to intervene in the family lives of its citizens. | Cartoonist Jim Morin; in Miami Herald; on February 20, 2012 | Click for larger image.

What’s measured, is managed

The Chinese State publishes a unique data-set for “public order disturbances” [National statistics by the Ministry of Public Security (MPS)], that cover anything from riots and protests to participation in cults or organised crime, hacking, insulting the national flag, gambling and …

Even sexual orgies.

Now orgies is interesting

Why would the Chinese State measure and manage sexual activity among consenting adults – individual or group? Outlining the issue was a recent post in China’s Economic Observer. It says of China.

Sex is the most neglected of all social issues

Paradoxically, despite the rising anxiety and sense of emptiness among urban men and women, sex is a topic rarely discussed by academics, the public or even the media. “In comparison with poverty, war, disease, racism and starvation, sex is regarded as a trivial subject,” the feminist Gayle Rubin, has pointed out.

It’s demonstrated in the collective, desperate searching for a one night stand. Chinese women still feel severely oppressed by the traditional view that women should not enjoy sex, and should renounce this activity if they become a widow. Li Yinhe quotes a statistic that 26 percent of Chinese women have never experienced an orgasm, a figure which stands around 10 percent in other parts of the world.

So does this mean that we are poised for an extreme and opposite reaction to the virulent sexual oppression of the Cultural Revolution? Li Yinhe says no. Change has happened slowly. The proof is that the average number of sexual partners in China is 1.3 compared to 16 in other parts of the world.

In a recent case, a man who went to an orgy in Nanjing was sentenced to three and a half years of jail time. Hypocrisy is everywhere. Pornography is rife on the Internet, but if you are caught watching it, you face harsh punishment. When corrupt officials are arrested for embezzlement and fraud, it usual turns out they’ve had numerous mistresses. The official is not punished for his sexual exploits, but the lonely worker satisfying his fantasies with online porn is a criminal.

Accoring to Li Yinhe, in the mid 1980s, during a strike-hard campaign, people were shot for opening a sex shop or running a porn site.

In the West, feminists are usually opposed to pornography, which they say turns women into objects. In China, no such subtlety is necessary: pornography is condemned on moral grounds, that’s all.

For Li Yinhe, pornographic films and sex toys are the fruit of people’s imagination and are there to stimulate desire. She sees no harm in them as they are objects not actions. For her the Chinese constitution guarantees the freedom of expression and publication, and that includes the contents of a sex shop.

In a good society, not only are you satisfied with your food, but you are also satisfied with your sex life. This is the sign of an advanced society. It is also classical Confucianism. The Communist Party of China has resolved the problem of providing food; now is the time to let that other human desire be fulfilled. (via Solitary Sex – Economic Observer News- China business, politics, law, and social issues).

Mapping it out

With near universal marriage, combined with a low-degree of State intervention, India (and Indians) don’t understand sex deprivation. Though with the government pushing up the age of consent and marriage, to impossibly high levels, sex-deprivation is reality only for urban Indians in the 16-24 years. However, since sex-deprivation is limited to a short window of time in the lives of Indians, most forget about it – and sex-deprivation has not become a significant social issue.

Africa too, with its unique system of non-marital, consensual sex with multiple partners, does not have a sex-deprivation problem.

In the Desert Bloc

In the West sex-deprivation is evidenced with high output of pornography, and widespread prostitution.

Since data is thin about the 200 million population of the Islāmic Middle East (from Iran to Turkey, from Oman to Saudi Arabia; excl. Egypt) spread over 15 nations, the problem is not visible.

However, like this extract shows, in China it is reality. A reality that the State has engineered – and fostered. For China’s ruling elites, there is no de facto regulation of sexual activity. For all others, there are high levels of restrictions and regulations.

Unlike, भारत-तंत्र Bharat-tantra

भारत-तंत्र Bharat-tantra is the Indic political system that guarantees four freedoms – धर्म (dharma – justice), अर्थ (arth – wealth and means), काम (kaam – human desires) मोक्ष (moksha – liberty) and ensures three rights – ज़र (jar – gold), जन (jan – human ties) and जमीन (jameen – property) for all.

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9 Responses

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  1. p p (@pinkyp18) said, on February 22, 2012 at 3:19 am

    I do not believe Today’s India does not face same problems. Today’s Indian society is not the same it was when kamasutra was written. We have became much more restrictive.

  2. manu said, on February 22, 2012 at 10:19 am

    Anuraag dont you think the doctrine of sex and pleasures of human life as sin (not exactly sin but close) was first given by buddh and mahavir…. And later picked on by the desert bloc?

  3. senthil said, on February 22, 2012 at 2:58 pm

    i agree with you on the point that indian state has increased the age of consent at impossible levels… only in india, the marriage age is 18.. even in many western countries, it is 16.. indian people are taken for granted..

    Its time that we start reviewing many propoganda against our societal practices.. for eg, child marriage is a heavily denigrate one.. yet we find that most couples married in their childhood are successful, and infact more attached to each other than late marriage couples..

    The reason is that the teenage is one where a child’s likes/dislikes, emotional aspect, and relational attachment gets shaped up.. it is in this age hood, that the rotten education system, is making them perverts..

  4. Anuraag Sanghi said, on February 22, 2012 at 5:37 pm

      Understanding rape, crime in the Indian context

    To make sense of the subject of rape and crime, I am going to use data available at this link. (shortlink – http://is.gd/tbssks).

    In most of these cases, the perpetrator of the crime was an acquaintance of the victim, according to data provided by the National Crime Records Bureau. A total of 21,467 rape cases were reported in 2008, registering an increase of 3.5% over the previous year. Provisional data for 2009 shows that 21,397 rape cases were reported during the year.

    In 2008, 57.2% (12,299) of the victims were from this age group, only 0.5% less than in 2007 (11,984). In as many as 91% (19,542) of these cases,the offenders were known to the victims. Neighbours were accused in 33.1% of rape cases.

    Recent stats show that in 91% of cases, rape was committed by ‘known’ people – with 33% of the ‘rapes’ committed by neighbours. A significant number of these ‘known’ people probably received a ‘distorted’ signal, some ‘disguised’ consent or faced a ‘withdrawal’ of consent problem.

    This takes rape out from the category of random crime, on unknown victims by dysfunctional or maladjusted aggressors – which can properly be termed as crime – and rape. I would doubt claims of ‘rape’ by neighbours, relatives, known people. It maybe withdrawal of consent, or misinterpretation of behaviour. It may also be deliberate ‘gaming’ by the ‘victim’. In such cases, rape is not the reality, usually.

    I am defining crime and rape differently. Some ‘consenting’ couples indulge in sex that borders on rape. Marital rape cannot be grounds for classification as crime. The State cannot enter bedrooms of consenting partners – at least in societies based on Bharattantra.

    Many ‘kidnapping’ and rape cases in India, are also juvenile marriages, love affairs, and cases of pre-marital sex. Against familial or parental consent, knowledge, while being economically dependent on parents or family. More on this below.

    Special mention must be made of laws that:-

    1. Have made 18 years as the age of consent for girls.

    18 years is way too old. Going by current laws, even consensual sex by two people, below 18, is a crime – and rape, it is. Part of the population control dogma.

    Girls attain puberty mostly by 13 years. Forced, mass, abstinence for 5 years after puberty is just bad social practice. Especially, when you consider contrary social values and norms. In parts of India, a girl’s first menstruation is celebrated as a community event with feast and worship. Remember, Gandhiji was married and eagerly into sex in his middle teens – as were my grandparents.

    These ‘rapes’ are crimes under laws that: –

    1. Are a carry-over from colonial period

    2. Discourage ‘relationship-building’ laws with an anti-marital agenda.

    Now imagine a zamindar in cahoots with corrupt policemen, uses these age-of-consent laws to foist a ‘rape’ case on a ‘troublesome’ farmer or a political rival.

    2. Make withdrawal of ‘consent’ easy.

    These laws have created horrifying legal situations like marital ‘rape.’ Withdrawal of consent for sex is an especially potent tool used by ‘authorities’ to ‘fix’ or ‘control’ elements in the system.

    Witness how after everything failed, two Swedish women filed rape charges against Julian Assange – based on ‘withdrawal’ of consent. Is sex such a trivial matter that consent is given and withdrawn – with or without notice? Can sexual relationships be debased to the extent of opportunistic ‘consent’ withdrawal?

    In Indic societies, consent was a public event, which became marriage. Vishnu Purana specifies 8 marriage types. Though, most common in India, is the what we see – grand, public affairs, with neighbours, friends, relatives and family – announcing voluntary, long-term ‘consent’.

    These laws, squarely and roundly, belong to the Desert Bloc. These laws deviate from Bharattantra by restricting kaam, desire, which is one of the four essential freedoms, called purushaarth in Indic systems. Loaded with an agenda – aimed to make India into a regressive society that discourages ‘relationship-building’.

    • A fan of your content said, on February 25, 2012 at 1:39 pm

      Most of our laws have a Victorian bias,due to their time of framing, and our courts, instead of taking a common-sense view of the situation, take a legal approach. This whole nuisance of pornography being prohibited by law, is a typical Victorian worldview law. When the English studied our literature, they were scandalized by the references to sex. More typically, Rani Laxmi Bai was labelled “licentious” before setting out to cut her down to size. Why licentious, of all crimes? Victorian morality. It still beats me as to why does China punish use of pornography with such harsh sentencing? to steal organs?

      Post-independence, we have swallowed this joke on our culture wholesale. We are now considering making rape laws and dowry harassment laws gender neutral. It takes 65 years for us to do this.

      The bharat-tantra regulator is not law, but Dharma. Each individual has to follow it. There is no central imposer, state, pope, clergy, the courts, etc.

      The West has long moved out of the “relationship” mode into the “transaction” mode. the former is sociology, the latter economics. You have elaborate legal contracts defining norms guiding “relationships” ( e.g pre-nups)and an individual is bound to the West-phalian state by The Social Contract: wherein, the state agrees to protect the citizens from harm, provided the citizen abides by laws. Laws are now a means to curtail freedom rather than promote liberty.

  5. admin said, on February 22, 2012 at 5:44 pm

  6. jitaditya said, on March 11, 2012 at 7:08 pm

    “sex-deprivation is reality only for urban Indians in the 16-24 years”
    I feel you are underestimating the problem in India…. especially that of the urban middle class…
    How many people do you think get married by 24 (especially men)? Most of them are still studying or just starting their careers.

    One has to attain some sort of professional and financial stability before getting married which obviously takes a few years of grueling professional life to achieve which eventually happens when they are around 30. So, it is more than one and a half decade of deprivation after puberty which is atrocious.

    & contrary to popular perception, very few people can attain satisfactory premarital relationships.

    Feminists will hate it but the truth is that for men it is all the more difficult… middle class Indian male has to slog hard throughout his childhood to get good grades so that he can get admission into a good college … & after that one slogs to get a good job all the while suppressing ones basic urges… & while we slog, we see misdirected fanatics delivering moral sermons & criminalizing sex to protect their “culture”. which is in fact a relic of their Victorian past.

    I do not have any statistics to support this but based on my personal experience, I think sex deprivation is a significant issue not only in China but in India too, at least for present day middle class Indian male…

    • Anuraag Sanghi said, on March 11, 2012 at 9:41 pm

      Jitaditya – Your response I believe captures the sentiment of the struggling young men – and their dilemmas.

      Further, it brings out the importance of Bharattantra and its emphasis on the three rights – ज़र (jar – gold), जन (jan – human ties) and जमीन (jameen – property) for all.

      Good job. Thanks.

      On some of the points …

      contrary to popular perception, very few people can attain satisfactory premarital relationships.

      I wonder if that is a solution, maybe yet another problem … or just a fantasy!

      Feminists will hate it but the truth is that for men it is all the more difficult

      My limited understanding tells me that it is equally bad for women and girls too. Their method sublimation is different.

      If men use ‘physical pornography’ such as playboy, blue films, for ‘escape’, do women use ’emotional pornography’ for instance Mills & Boons to obtain ‘release’.

      misdirected fanatics delivering moral sermons & criminalizing sex to protect their “culture”. which is in fact a relic of their Victorian past.

      Are they a problem, a solution … or irrelevant?

      sex deprivation is a significant issue not only in China but in India too, at least for present day middle class Indian male…

      Now if you think it is problem for age of 15-30 years, imagine societies, where marriage levels are less than 25% – and men and women spend their lives trying to find the ‘perfect’ answer!

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